adventures in inner city education

Dedicated and over-educated teacher leaves the pampered comfort of a Stanford PhD program to teach at a small, stereotypically 'inner city' elementary school in Washington, DC. And blogs about it.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Parent correspondence

Dear Ms. Sweetland,

I am very concerned that Taylor has not been getting any homework. Why don't you send home work so I can reinforce what is being done at school?

Mrs. T.


Dear Mrs. T.,

Thank you for your note. Taylor does receive homework Mondays through Thursdays in the form of the assignment of reading for 30 minutes. She also has to write me one letter a week regarding her reading. However, I understand your concern about reinforcing other skills. Can we talk by phone? I'll call you before the week is out.

Yours in service,

Ms. Sweetland


Dear Ms. Sweetland,

Reading is not homework. Does the principal know you are making the kids read every night?

Mrs. T.


At October 17, 2005 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen. Reading is a go nowhere "skill." I suggest you teach them texas hold 'em -- something then can make a living at.

Keep posting... -AG (ya, that AG)


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