adventures in inner city education

Dedicated and over-educated teacher leaves the pampered comfort of a Stanford PhD program to teach at a small, stereotypically 'inner city' elementary school in Washington, DC. And blogs about it.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

First full day of school today--last week was all half-days. Definitely noticed the difference; kids either got antsy or zoned-out, according to their temperments, in the afternoon.

We've been doing a series of personality tests from this great little book called 'Psychology for Kids.' Today the kids found out if they were auditory, visual, or kinesthetic learners. I've got a predominance of hands-on learners, as it turns out, and only one visual learner.

Today we started learning about the Supreme Court--a little out of order, as the curriculum goes, but seems like a good time to do it with the confirmation hearings and all coming up. The discussion was pretty interesting from an assessment point of view: The knowledge level in my class ranges from one girl who could name Thurgood Marshall and cite some of his important cases to another kid who couldn't make sense of the word 'court,' even when class volunteered Judge Judy as an example, until someone did an acutal Judge Judy impression. Whew!


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