adventures in inner city education

Dedicated and over-educated teacher leaves the pampered comfort of a Stanford PhD program to teach at a small, stereotypically 'inner city' elementary school in Washington, DC. And blogs about it.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Underwhelming response

Met with the executive director of our district today. She offered a very sweet apology and assured me I was "valued." Also told me that she knew that "our leadership was totally inadequate." I told her I didn't want to make the meeting about a personality conflict (with the principal) and she said, "This isn't about personality. It's about skill level."

All that was vaguely reassuring, but gets me nothing. They're willing to place me at another school for next year, but now I'm not so sure I want that any more. I started this year thinking that the most important job I could do was to teach...but this year has shown me just how vital good school leadership can be. So, I've dusted off the resume, am looking around...

74% of teachers in low-income schools leave within three years. Never feels great to be a statistic...


At May 03, 2006 6:36 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Wow, depressing. Why don't they get it? And why did it take so long to get a response? Been thinking about you, and sending luv.


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